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Diagonale-Preis Szenenbild und Kostümbild’23

des Verbandes Österreichischer Filmausstatter*innen VÖF

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Bestes Szenenbild

Martin Reiter für Corsage

Corsage © Robert Brandstätter

Begründung der Jury:
“To combine period-accurate detail with deliberately disruptive, modern elements is quite a challenge, but perhaps an even bigger challenge is knowing when to stop. The production design winner manages to be both edgy and unobtrusive, so while sometimes you don’t consciously notice the anachronisms, the subconscious effect of strangeness and dislocation – of a woman born out of time and adrift in her own surroundings – is unmistakable. Martin Reiter manages to throw a subtle 21st-century lifeline to a legend long trapped in the corridors of the 19th century.”


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Bestes Kostümbild

Claire Dubien für Das Tier im Dschungel

Das Tier im Dschungel © Elsa Okazaki

Begründung der Jury:
“The costume design is a fundamental narrative tool in this woozy, hedonistic trip through the club culture of the last few decades as experienced over forty years of endless Saturday nights. While time sometimes seems to stand still, the fashions and rhythms reinvent themselves constantly to the beat of the next new era. Claire Dubien manages to skillfully and sexily embodying on screen, in color and fabric and tailoring, the way these lost souls are searching for identity and personal freedom while contending with often conflicting desires.”

Jury Spielfilm:
Bettina Böhler (Editorin, Regisseurin, DE)
Jessica Kiang (Filmkritikerin, IE)
Ronny Trocker (Regisseur, Drehbuchautor, IT)